In Spanish, we also have verbs with similar meanings, which makes it difficult for the student to distinguish between them and can be confusing to use. That is why today in this post we are going to explain the most confusing Spanish verbs to you, so that it is clearer for you.
Some of these verbs are Saber & Conocer (to know) and Llevar & Traer (to bring). These are some of the most confusing verbs in Spanish, because in these two examples the verbs mean roughly the same, but they are used in different contexts. Today in the Spanish club we will show you how to know when to use each of these confusing Spanish.
Saber & Conocer
Saber: When to use
- Talking about skills, for example: Sabe tocar el piano. Sé cocinar muy bien.
- Being able to do something, for example: Sabe chino. Sabe química.
- To be certain or convinced of a future fact, for example: Sabría que vendrías.
- To have news or information about something or someone, for example: ¿Sabes algo de Pedro? ¿Sabías que han cambiado el horario de los autobuses?
cONOCER: When to use
- Talking about a person we are in a relationship with, for example: Conozco a tu padre desde hace muchos años.
- When talking about a person I am being introduced to for the first time, for example: Ayer conocí a María, la novia de Luis.
- Talk about a place we have been to, for example: Hace dos años conocí Nueva Zelanda y me pareció maravilloso.
- Talking about things that are unfamiliar, for example: ¿Conoces la nueva aplicación para enviar mensajes?
Exercise: Let’s do a phrase together!
Allison sabe hablar español. Le gusta mucho España. Conoció España hace dos años y se quedó a vivir en Bilbao. Está aprendiendo a tocar el piano, ella sabía tocar la guitarra. Ha conocido a muchas personas españolas y habla muy bien español.
Allison can speak Spanish. She likes Spain very much. She came to Spain two years ago and stayed in Bilbao. Currently, she is learning to play the piano; she knew how to play the guitar. She has met many Spanish people and speaks Spanish very well.
Now write a short paragraph using these 2 confusing Spanish verbs and send it to us so we can give you some feedback!
Llevar & Traer
These are two confusing Spanish verbs in which we must consider where the speaker is and where he/she is going.
Llevar: Movement of a person or thing to a different place (Allí – There) from the place where the speaker is.
Traer: Displacement of a person or thing to the same place where the speaker is located (Aquí – Here).
Example in Spanish
Dos amigos están hablando por teléfono, Felipe está en la calle y Luis está en su casa. Van a hacer una fiesta para celebrar el cumpleaños de Julia.
Luis: ¡Hola Felipe! ¿Qué tal estás?
Felipe: Bien. Estoy en la calle.
Luis: Te llamo porque voy a celebrar una fiesta por el cumpleaños de Julia. Todos tenéis que traer algo para comer o beber.
Felipe: ¡Perfecto! Voy al supermercado y puedo comprar jamón, queso, aceitunas, patatas fritas y algo para beber, para llevarlo a tu casa. ¿Cuántas personas vamos a ser?
Luis: Seremos entre 15 y 20 personas.
Felipe: ¿A qué hora comienza la fiesta?
Luis: A las 8 de la tarde.
Felipe: Vale, allí nos vemos y llevaré todo lo que voy a comprar.
Luis: De acuerdo. Luego nos vemos. ¡Adiós!
Felipe: ¡Hasta luego!
Example in English
Two friends are talking on the phone, Felipe is in the street and Luis is at home. They are having a party to celebrate Julia’s birthday.
Luis: Hello Felipe, how are you?
Felipe: Fine. I’m in the street.
Bobby: I’m calling you because I’m having a party for Julia’s birthday. You all have to bring something to eat or drink.
Felipe: Perfect! I’m going to the supermarket and I can buy ham, cheese, olives, chips and something to drink to bring to your house. How many people are we going to be?
Luis: We’ll be between 15 and 20 people.
Felipe: What time does the party start?
Luis: At 8pm.
Felipe: Okay, I’ll meet you there and I’ll bring everything I’m going to buy.
Luis: OK. See you later. Bye!
Felipe: See you later!
Feel free to send us a voice message to our whatsapp with this conversation so we can correct your Spanish pronounciation, or create a story with the verbs “Llevar” & “Traer.”
Overall, after this extensive list of examples we hope that you have a more clear idea of the use most confusing Spanish verbs. Therefore, if you want to keep learning tips & advices for studying spanish follow our blog! In addition, remember that if you want to improve your listening skills you can access your podcast recordings. In conclusion, feel free to visit our Spanish courses to improve your Spanish level.